Cancellations of Your Awards

If you have a change in plans and need to request a cancellation of your financial aid awards at the 阿拉莫大学, you may submit a request to our Student 金融援助 office using the form below.

Only in certain situations will our office reduce or cancel your financial aid awards without your request in the event that your eligible maximum award limit has been exceeded. 了解更多 about this process below.


金融援助 Cancellation Request 

学生 may submit this form to request a cancelation of any or all of their 阿拉莫大学 financial aid awards. 
  • Cancellation of your financial aid does not withdraw you from your classes or relieve you of the responsibility of repaying any remaining balances owed to 阿拉莫大学.
  • Cancellation does not automatically transfer your financial aid to a new college/university. 


2023-2024 金融援助 Cancellation Form



The Student 金融援助 office will automatically correct what is referred to as an "overaward" when the total amount of your financial aid awarded either:

  • 超过你的 出勤费用 (your maximum award limit) 
  • 超过你的 total allowable amount of need based awards (these are awarded based on a student's specific SAI/EFC and includes grants, 奖学金, 勤工助学, 补贴贷款, and certain benefits)

Federal regulations require that overawards be corrected at the time they occur. If an overaward needs to be resolved, it could result in your awards being decreased or cancelled. Any financial aid that was paid to you as a refund, and then pulled back due to the overaward, will need to be paid back to the 阿拉莫大学 Business office. 

